Yesterday’s Daily Telegraph reported on the EU plans to ‘enhance’ pan-European ‘security’. As we have come to expect by now, proposals to achieve this end would have received wholehearted support from the Nazi Party.
Under the guise of the Stockholm programme, July 15 will see the final proposals for the EU’s internal security plan. These directives will override national sovereign legislation, bringing a taste of dictatorial life under our Euro superstate. Jacques Barrot, the European justice and security commissioner has stated that the aim was to "develop a domestic security strategy for the EU", historically a role which would be left to individual nation states.
But civil rights leaders and right-minded people see this as a surveillance superstate. Tony Bunyan, of the European Civil Liberties Network (ECLN) warned that "An increasingly sophisticated internal and external security apparatus is developing under the auspices of the EU," "In five or 10 years time when we have the surveillance and database state people will look back and ask, 'what were you doing in 2009 to stop this happening?"
Precisely. While this government is behaving like the proverbial wet rag with Brown posturing for continued power, ministers disappearing right, left and centre and cabinet shuffles every other week, the media spends most of its time using the upheaval as a useful smokescreen to divert people’s attention away from the vitally crucial issues that directly threaten our futures, while a fascist surveillance state is being assembled behind closed doors, largely evading mainstream news coverage.
Law enforcement and public security agencies will be sharing DNA records and fingerprint databases, storing them for new electronic EU ID cards. Surveillance footage and that gathered from the internet will be amassed, along with satellite surveillance, automated entry/exit border biometric readers and risk profiling systems. This will be the new Europe, all built upon the phony 'war on terror'. But, of course, now we are the terrorists!
EU officials have openly admitted to the Daily Telegraph that these measures will be highly controversial, so will need to be contained (ie camouflaged) within the Lisbon Treaty, now only awaiting Ireland’s ratification in the Autumn (they should be so lucky to even get to vote!). The Treaty already has built into it a secretive new Standing Committee known internally as COSI, which is designed to co-ordinate security policy across borders involving trans-European agencies such as Europol, the Frontex borders agency, the European Gendarmerie and Brussels-based intel-sharing Joint Situation Centre or Sitcen.
Just what sort of a nightmare are we headed towards, unless we stir up total opposition to this super-Orwellian scenario. And we must!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
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