A recent survey has found that 37% of the British population feel more frightened than they used to. ‘Institutionally-driven fear’ is believed to be responsible for 1 in 7 people’s anxiety disorders. Everything from the global, artificially-produced, banking collapse to global warming scares, swine fever, fears of unemployment and terrorism to being visibly reminded that you are being watched by CCTV cameras while surveillance monitors are now being introduced on buses (a whole new fleet of them on the Isle of Wight, repeatedly flashing up your face among the passengers) are all creating anxiety. Of course, this is what the globalists want - fearful cowering masses that will acquiesce to their wishes through that fear. It’s also good for their drug companies who make mountains out of sedatives. But to those in the know, it’s water off a ducks back as an increasingly large number of people can see the gameplay. It’s far more reassuring to see the enemy in full face than be left in the dark, confused and ignorant.
The retention of communication data such as emails that was to be introduced into the Data Retention (EC Directive) Regulations 2009 as a primary piece of legislation, has now been sneaked into the bill as secondary legislation. This leaves things in rather a grey state of affairs and hasn’t eradicated this totally unecessary intrusion into our personal affairs.
A NO2ID lawyer, Paul Kauffman has published a letter in the Law Society’s weekly journal, the Law Gazette in response to an article which claimed that lawyers are going to be first in adopting the ID infrastructure. Kauffman says in his letter that because of the concerns and unpopularity of ID card legislation, lawyers should also be in the front line in resisting it and are ideally placed to do so. A plea is going out to those in the legal profession to join forces with NO2ID to do just that.
Schoolchildren travelling by bus to school will now be tracked by GPS technology. Denbighshire County Council, authors of the scheme say “the system is actually secure. There’s no information on the cards that the pupils will be given themselves”, but then goes on to say “that it is all held on a database and it’s governed by data protection”. Little assurance there then having only narrowly staved off an attempt to circumnavigate the Data Protection Act by proposed measures in the Coroner’s and Justice Bill recently. It just means that the state can track and trace your child at will.
Lord West, the Security Minister has confirmed to officials that they are considering installing technology enabling on-demand wiretapping of all communications for the benefit of security services.
The Audit Commission has criticised the poor level of data quality in the NHS. Their recently-published report ‘Figures You Can Trust: Data Quality in the NHS’ states that there has been little improvement since their last report in 2004.
The UK Border Agency is to start sharing fingerprint data with the US, Canada and Australia. In addition the UKBA also expects to be able to track 95% of all airline passengers movements by the end of next year. Their e-borders system has already produced 920 arrests, but that’s out of a total of 10,000 innocent people who must have been harassed by the process.
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