Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Common Purpose?

In a recent Edge TV exposé, retired naval commander, Brian Gerrish spoke of the insidious infiltration of Common Purpose (CP) into nearly all avenues of government and industry. I reported on CP some time ago and since then its tentacles of power have been extending. Cloaked in the altruistic clothing of a charity ‘empowering people and communities’, it is really anything but. In reality CP is an elitist pro-EU political organisation which is usurping the democratic framework and sovereignty of this country while at the same time threatening personal free will.

To save you time digging back through my archives, I have brought my original 2007 blog forward and included some further comments on this secretive 'charity', which are ever more relevant to current political trends in this country.

I was originally alerted to Common Purpose, back in 2007, by an article written by David Icke, but before reading his article in full, I first went to Common Purposes' website to get my own first impression on what it was all about. I was confronted by a lot of convoluted prose, but the best I could ascertain from their mission statement was that they run courses for various age groups and people of varying degrees of managerial responsibilty to help them understand the world in which they live and help make society and/or their organisation more efficient. Good aims you might suppose on the surface of it, but very light on specifics the way most advertising is. That begs the question - just how do they intend participants to achieve these goals and ultimately, whose goals are they?

The title ‘Common Purpose’ may sound altruistic - conjuring up a structured way of bettering society, working together as communities or within organisations with more transparency, honesty and accountability all for a common good. And it is this altruistic message that will appeal to many ambitious younger people in junior management with their lifetime stretching in front of them. They feel they can be part of a team that can improve our lot in a world distraught with famine, war, duplicity and evil. So far so good, or is it?

But dig deeper, as Icke did, and you will find out something that is not stated on their website. Common Purpose’s Chief Executive is Julia Middleton who just happens to be Head of Personnel Selection in the office of the Deputy Prime Minister! We are also told that DEMOS, the political think tank that strongly influenced Tony Blair during his administration and is now advising parties across the political spectrum, is closely involved with Common Purpose. This then provides an immediate link between political direction and the appointing and grooming of those who are considered to be specially selected and 'politically correct' future leaders, hardly the work of a 'charity' I would have thought! Given this no small coincidence that a direct conduit runs from central government to CP and the real nature of the beast comes sharply into focus. Any altruism must surely be heavily tainted by government and the puppeteers that run it.

It is clear that CP is aimed at people in senior positions in politics, education, policing, local government, business, health and the media - it is estimated that possibly 1,000 senior employees in the BBC are members - and because of this it immediately becomes apparent that any 'common purpose' is the reserve of those in these senior decision-making positions. All members of CP, the 'Inner Party' members to take an Orwellian parallel, are given a politically-charged set of values which they must adhere to in the execution of their work and those values and directives are then passed down to us, the 'Outer Party' members who are clearly meant to comply.

Given this government’s long legacy of depriving us of our liberties, building up the police state and control grid, then CP appears to be just another part of that armoury but with its connections to government policy covertly hidden as a semi-secretive 'charity', it is not immediately obvious that this is intended as another tool in achieving a state-sponsored control down through the ranks. Indeed, according to DEMOS, charities in future, are to become politicised and act as maid servants to government doctrine.

Common Purpose seems to adopting all of the hallmarks of Illuminati's Tavistock Institute modus operandi that other manipulator of social behaviour.

Consider this. John Rawlings Rees, one of Tavistock's founders once said this: 'Public life, politics and industry should all ... be within our sphere of influence (the Institute's and the Illuminati they represent)... If we are to infiltrate the professional and social activities of other people I think we must imitate the Totalitarians and organize some kind of fifth column activity!'

'We must aim to make it permeate every educational activity in our national life ... We have made a useful attack upon a number of professions. The two easiest of them naturally are the teaching profession and the Church: the two most difficult are law and medicine.'

As if to underline CP's hidden agenda, here's one experience (with acknowledgement to David Icke's newsletter.

Brian Gerrish at http://www.eutruth.org.uk discovered Common Purpose when he was involved with a group in Plymouth in the west of England helping people find jobs and one of their projects was repairing wooden boats. He said they had lots of public support and backing from the local authorities and everything was going fine. But then it suddenly changed and the council support was withdrawn. When they tried to continue alone, he said that within a short time key people were being threatened:

'When we started to explore why we were being threatened we were absolutely staggered to find a very strange organisation called Common Purpose operating in the city. And we were absolutely amazed that there were so many people involved but they were not declaring themselves ...

'[Common Purpose] was operating throughout the structure of the city, in the city council, in the government offices, in the police, in the judiciary. Essentially we discovered what is effectively, at best, a quasi secret society which doesn't declare itself to ordinary people.'

Further research has led Gerrish to establish that Common Purpose is recruiting and training leaders to be loyal to the objectives of the organisation and the European Union and preparing the governing structure for what it calls the 'post-democratic society' after nations are replaced by regions in the European Union. 'They are learning to rule without regard to democracy, and will bring the EU police state home to every one of us', Gerrish says. Common Purpose 'graduates' are increasingly everywhere.

When the organisation was given an award in 2005 by one of it clients, Newcastle University in the North East of England, it was revealed that among its graduates in that area were: Michael Craik, Northumbria Police Chief Constable; Andrew Dixon, Executive Director of the Arts Council England, North East; Glyn Evans, City Centre Chaplain; Chris Francis, Centre Manager of the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust; Anne Marshall, Chief Officer of Age Concern; Anthony Sargent, General Director of The Sage Gateshead; Miriam Harte, Director of Beamish Museum; and Sue Underwood, Chief Executive of NEMLAC (the North East Museums, Libraries and Archives Council). Brian Gerrish has found them to be throughout the government structure with more than £100 million of taxpayers money spent on Common Purpose courses for state employees. It has members in the National Health Service, BBC, police, legal profession, religion, local councils, the Civil Service, government ministries,! Parliament and Regional Development Agencies.'

With a network of CP members occupying a large cross section of senior positions in every town and city in Britain, we now see, in place, a control grid of un-elected intermediaries who are acting as a conduit for the flow of state dictat to we, the common people, while our role, at the bottom of the pile, is to snoop on our fellow citizens' dustbins or pry on them to see if they acting suspiciously and not in accordance with that received dictat.

To view Edge TV's Interview with Gerrish go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtzhMvutuvU


Cuervobrillante said...

"Common Purpose" translates to Pompon Circus ... But those 20,000+ 'pompons' in MS Middleton's jolly circus,with all their tinkling brass, do not have the faintest idea how destiny can deal out the slip between cup and lip! - This was clearly seen with Herr Adolf Hitler and his newly wedded wife in the dank bunker in Berlin. - He with his grey matter blown out of his cranium and she with bitter cyanide on her pink tongue. Thus ended the proud Third Reich as the crystal glass and its sweet wine fell to the floor! - After all the goats had finally woken up and put an end to their evil Utopian plan!

Cuervobrillante said...

A little question about MS Middleton and her "Beyond Authority" thing ... DID she answer that "God" was her inspiration beyond authority when she was asked about it?
... No, she did not ... Now I wonder why that might be from a self-confessed 'loving' woman?
Can anyone hazard a guess?

Cuervobrillante said...

So you think nobody is reading this "backwater" of information? No comments = nobody reading?
Let ME hazard a guess:

YES! 'They' are reading, and 'they' are TERRIFIED! ... 'They' dare not question what is being said here; it cuts much too close to the bone for them!
'They' know the public at large is actually waking up now and their time is running out! - Silence here is golden for them! - Let them enjoy it while they may!

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