The Data Protection Act - could be anything but. The UK Ministry of Justice has performed a coup. It is to allow the Data Protection Act to lose its ‘protection’ by allowing any government department to obtain and use information in any way it likes.
The New Coroners and Justice Bill has hidden within it a clause (cl.152) which amends the current Data Protection Act and will allow ministers to make ‘Information Sharing Orders’. NO2ID say that "This can alter any Act of Parliament and cancel all confidentiality in order to use information obtained for one purpose to be used for another".
I have written to my MP on this most crucial of matters and I urge everyone reading this who believes in personal privacy and abhors the rampant intrusion of authorities to pry into our private lives, to do the same. In your own words please ask your MP to familiarise him or herself with Part 8 (clauses 151-154) of the Coroners and Justice Act and challenge the seemingly covert introduction of these enabling powers which will effect all of us tremendously. The Bill is due its second reading this coming Monday (26th). Time is of the essence!
The latest YouGov poll in the 18th January edtion of the Sunday Times shows that there is enormous opposition to these new powers with 65% believing that they give the government too much power, with only a mere 19% thinking not. This is clearly a circumvention of democracy and a sneaky way of bringing into force a Big Brother state where every bureaucrat can pry willy nilly into our lives without our knowledge.
From cradle to grave we are conditioned into reacting in the way the state and those élite above the state wish us to. Now children can experience the joys and get conditioned to security checkpoints with the new Playmobil TSA (Transportation Security Adminstration) Security Checkpoint toy. Ironically, according to one user who posted a comment on the toy on the Amazon website "I was a little disappointed when I first bought this item, because the functionality is limited. My 5 year old son pointed out that the passenger's shoes cannot be removed. Then, we placed a deadly fingernail file underneath the passenger's scarf, and neither the detector doorway nor the security wand picked it up. My son said 'that's the worst security ever!'"
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