Michael St Clair
One of the St Clair family that can trace its roots far back in time, Michael St Clair was born in Switzerland, served in the Swiss Army then, later, went into banking where he picked up a great deal of knowledge on economies and financial investment.
Having lived in the almost fairytale-like Chillon Castle beside Lake Geneva, Michael St Clair, more recently, moved to Florida. He is the author of several books, most notably ‘Zen of Stars’ a novel set in several dimensions, which St Clair says has a tendency to change people’s consciousness as they read it, saying that it an almost impossible book to describe. The essence of the book combines the subject matter of four earlier ones, condensing and combining elements on astrology and planetary alignments - a subject which fascinated St Clair from an early age - Earth changes, future trends in politics, diplomacy, society, economics, science and so on.
Goodbye 'Real World'
Following his employment in banking St Clair decided to leave the ‘Real World’ - the hard, deterministic one - and involve himself in the world of the occult, not as it is popularly regarded, but as an involvement in ‘hidden’ matters, in fact what will become understood science in future. The world that he is currently immersing himself in is that which can be explained in the words of quantum physics, but St Clair argues that to more properly understand it you have to ‘live in it’. This requires the expansion of the psychic mind as opposed to everyday linear thought processes and it is this expansion of our psychic concsiousness that he believes will embrace a much greater number of people on Earth in the coming years as planetary alignments begin to allow an opening up of the discrete senses.
Coming changes
St Clair is in no doubt, as so many of us are now, that the immediately forthcoming years will see great upheaval here on Earth, both geo-politically and geo-magnetically as a newly emergent planetary alignment influences itself upon our world and our minds, one which should bring heightened spiritual awareness to much of mankind. He believes that the seemingly irrational and catastrophic course that our current economic and political world is now facing is largely the result of the interaction of alien grey and reptilian races with many of our political and Illuminati communities, urging them to attain a position of dominance, to control our world with a central bank and financial system, world army and judicial system, creating a hi-tech serfdom, none of which is in any way in our best interests, but the quest for which will result in tumultuous wars and conflict.
With our world due to change in drastic ways, geo-magnetic disturbances will also cause a dramatic rise in earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes etc. creating widespread havoc, St Clair adds to this the great transformation that will effect our consciousness through the new astronomical dimensional alignment - potentially a tremendous awakening for man, but not something that everyone, he believes, will be able to handle, with the often in-built human trait of resisting change, bringing with it riotous behaviour among many human beings. St Clair envisages a dramatic loss of life resulting from these geo-magnetically generated disasters, maybe halving the world population.
Zones of Radiance
What will be paramount will be enough people with newly heightened awareness and possessing specialised skills to lead the remaining souls on earth in setting up, what St Clair calls, ‘Zones of Radiance’, small clusters of communities worldwide that communicate with each other either telepathically - with their newly heightened awareness - or by a sophisticated form if Internet. These communities would return to the values of living close to mother earth but retain and further develop advanced technologies for peaceful purposes from generating free energy to working with nature in a wholly complementary way.
At present, St Clair reckons that there are only a mere handful of people worldwide that could carry forward such a survival project at present. Although that number is expanding, the vast majority of the Earth’s population are living in total ignorance of true reality and are totally devoid of the spiritual foresight necessary to engage in this forward thinking.
St Clair admits he, personally, has no blueprint in his own life for the way forward at present other than his concept of the ‘Zones of Radiance’ and allying enough like-minded souls to come on board. With a heightened inner-awareness, he believes that it’s going to be a matter of feeling one's way forward by instinct and implicate guidance and that there is no formula for the journey ahead, no checklist, other than the vision the ‘Zones of Radiance’ scenario implies.
Personally, I find St Clair’s claim that the Earth, as a living organism, may well benefit from the sloughing off of, maybe, 50% of its current population, as a necessary means to 're-balance' the planet a bit disquieting and could be construed as a comment from the mainstream Illuminati agenda. The question is, are a large section of ordinary people on this planet creating the disharmony we witness today, or are they so dumbed-down as to be a burden to the well-being of our Earth as St Clair might be implying? We must remember just who dumbed them down in the first place, a relatively small group in world society who I and others see as being the main root cause of disharmony on this planet - the so-called Illuminati and their entourage, those who St Clair maintains are being covertly controlled by the reptilians and the clone greys.
If great geo-magnetically-caused upheavals are to engulf our world in the next few years, then the collateral loss of half the Earth’s population may well be unavoidable, but St Clair’s vision of a select few who survive and go on to build a new world of heightened spirituality and awareness, rather smacks of the priviledge some human beings may have over others.
I do believe though, that it is incumbent on us all to improve our ways, realise the way we are being entrapped by out Illuminati masters, discard materialism, expand our love to all and heighten our awareness of infinite reality, the process of which we hope will be naturally enhanced by coming planetary alignments.
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