Friday, July 04, 2008

Saturday 5 July 2008

Latest from NO2ID

A peaceful protest resulted in the arrest of nine NO2ID campaigners at an invitation-only Home Office public consultation recently on ID cards. This is yet another kick in the face for freedom of speech and the ability of law-abiding citizens to raise valid questions about government policy. Those arrested included a mother with her 4-year-old child and a retired academic, hardly security threat material unless you consider any criticism of government policy as a security threat, which this government obviously does. If an honest opportunity, such as this so-called public consultation, is being made unavailable to those who are worried about compulsory identity cards and the setting up of a vast nationwide database of all citizens, then the only recourse left to us is that of non-compliance in governments plans and that is a course of action we MUST take. But how many will just acquiesce using the weak excuse of ‘I have nothing to hide’ as their defence? With that attitude you have everything to lose!

Government ID Card propaganda in Austria matches the euphorics displayed by the people of that country at the time of Hitler’s Anschluss. Their advertising banner shows people jumping for joy and almost wetting themselves in anticipation of their ID scheme with the slogan ‘get yourself activated’. I hope that Austrian citizens behave rather differently in reality and tell the government where to stuff their ID scheme, otherwise, in reflection of those events in 1938, we could justifiably ask the question ‘has nothing being learned?’

Meanwhile in Britain the slogan ‘Everyone’s Unique’ is being used to sell the same iniquitous scheme. Let’s hope everyone is collectively unique in turning their backs on this shameful legislation.

The National Health Service is considering opening up the availabilty of patients’ healthcare records to a much wider audience outside of the NHS itself. This could include social care bodies, voluntary and private sector organisations, pharmacy, dental and optical services - in fact almost everybody. Wouldn’t it be a lot easier if the government issued us all with sandwich boards listing all of our vital statistics and have us wear them every time we went out on the streets?

A fast track scheme for ‘trusted travellers’ is to be instigated by the Home Office for those who travel regularly between the US and the UK. Fingerprint and facial recognition technology would be employed to prevent regular business travellers from having to queue in airport terminals

Although the Scottish government has made it clear that it does not intend to use ID cards, having one will make life a lot less difficult for many and it is predicted that by 2011 many in Scotland will use the card as their main form of identification - so that’s as good as making it compulsory!

The FBI’s The National Security Analysis Center (NSAC) has been denied an $11 million appropriation by the US House Science and Technology Committee to continue to work on a massive database of the government's records of nearly all American citizens. This STASI-like database was to have been used to predict would-be ‘terrorists’ without any more than a ‘hunch-like’ reason, eliminating any hope of due process by those who be might implicated thus. I’m sure this is only a temporary set back for NWO operatives and if the scheme isn’t taking place under cover elsewhere it will probably rear into existence in some other form before long.

The Mod and HMRC have been highly criticised for their recent data losses by the Information Comissioner’s Office. This will undoubtedly open the doors for placing every local and central government officer under Orwellian control.

According to an article in The Economist British citizens seem largely happy to trade in their freedoms and liberties. Large numbers of organisations seem to be following the government’s lead in using technology to do their own surveillance, whipped up by a constant barrage of news stories and statistics that impound terror, crime and fraud threats, and the public at large seem prepared to accept these largely contrived stories and willingly allow a surveillance grid grow up around them. I wonder if they will still be happy with this arrangement when these same organisations pinpoint them as a threat?

Here's what The Economist found:

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