Thursday, May 25, 2006

Esoteric Numerology

Elsewhere in this blog I have listed some interesting numerological coincidences that can be derived from some of the most notable political and politically-forming events that have taken place over the past decades.

With another key date close upon us, notably 6th June 2006 (6-6-6), which itself will be 333 days from the 7th July London bombings (7-7-7), it’s worth spending a little time to examine the use of certain numbers that seem to pre-occupy those who orchestrate these seminal events, which upon closer examination, appear to be rooted in occultism.

With reference to web site the following facts emerge:

Number 3 is the first sacred number and represents the Pagan Trinity and spiritually, the Third Eye of Hinduism. We are told occultists use the number 3 in groups or multiples ie. 33, 333, 66, 666 etc. to achieve greater intensity in the desired effect. 666 has the connotation as being ‘The Mark of the Beast’ or, in some circles, the brand mark of an evil spirit.

Number 6 is the next sacred number, representing the soul of man.

Number 7 is also sacred and described as one of the most sacred of all numbers ‘the invisible centre, the spirit of everything’.

Number 9 is sacred as it is the cube of 3 and used in triple - 999, is utilised to represent 666 - 999 inverted.

Number 11 is considered to be a master number in astrology and can be used to represent sin, transgression and peril.

Number 13 has come to be known to us as a number of ill-omen and stands in connection with rebellion, apostasy, defection, corruption, disintegration and revolution.

Close examination of many of the most notable terrorist and political events over the last twenty years or so and also further back in time, shows that the involvement of these numbers occurs with a frequency that exceeds pure chance.

Let’s look at a few:
11/11/11 World War 1 ended
9/11/41 Groundbreaking ceremony for the Pentagon
11/22/63 President Kennedy assassinated
7/17/86 TWA 800 exploded over the sea near Long Island
9/2/88 (9 + 2 = 11) Swissair 111 crashed in flames off the coast of Nova Scotia - exactly 777 days (111 weeks) after the previous crash
12/21/88 (1 + 2 = 3 & 2 + 1 = 3) PanAm flight 103 was brought down over Scotland. The time between this and the Swissair 111 crash was 7 years and 7 months.
4/19/93 Waco Massacre
4/19/95 Oklahoma City bombing
9/11/01 World Trade Center collapse - Flight 11 was the first to crash, Flight 13 crashed into the second tower, 11 hijackers were involved
11/3/04 Madrid train bombing, 911 days after 9/11 which itself was 111 days before the end of the year
9/3/04 Beslan
9/11/04 Assassination of Yasser Arafat
11/19/00 Bush’s first election victory
4/19/04 Foiled terrorist attack on the Sears Tower in Chicago. This was timed to happen 911 hours after the Madrid train bombing
11/9/04 Bush’s second election victory
7/7/05 London bombings. These took place 444 days (11 x 4) after the foiled Sears attack.

Then let’s look at the use of these esoteric numbers in other Illuminati based institutions:
199 FBI internal national emergency code
The Bilderberger Group comprise 39 members broken down into 3 groups of 13. 13 make up the policy committee in the Bilderberger Group which answer to the Round Table of 9.
33 segments make up the UN crest
33 degrees are to be found in Freemasonry
10/13/1792 White House cornerstone laid attended by the Georgetown Masonic Lodge No 9. The White House is surrounded by 13 avenues which form L’Enfant’s plan for Washington, symbolic of the 13 stripes in the national flag. The Illuminati have divided the US into 7 geographical regions which are each have a 13 member leadership council.

And so it goes on. You can find much more evidence of the use of these numbers, often embedded in other numbers whose addition invariably arrives one at 6, 9, 11 or 13, on

Although one might argue that if you have the mind to do so you can use all manner of mathematical gymnastics to make the dates fit the sacred numbers, the numerical coincidences in the above list seem to be too consistent for these events to have happened on the dates they did by accident.

So 333 days after the London bombings brings us very conveniently to one of the most revered numbers in this catalogue of numerolgical horrors - 6th June 2006 or 6/6/6.

With the neo-cons, that bunch of perverted people, many of whom are known to involve themselves in such bizarre events as Bohemian Grove and many of whom are products of ‘Skull and Bones’ both institutions that are riddled with occultism, chomping at the bit for an excuse to invade Iran, and looking for every excuse to ratchet up the police state, could June 6th be another seminal date in this litany of infamy?

I will be returning from my holiday in Nova Scotia on that particular day expecting to catch a flight from Halifax to London Gatwick. Will my journey be inconvenienced as a knock-on effect of some big ‘terrorist’ attack?

Maybe, maybe not, but one thing is for sure, according to the figures there would seem to be a heightened chance of some manufactured event taking place on that day.

With the Sears Tower in Chicago bearing a ZIP code of 606060, who knows?

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