Comments made in connection with each news item are personal observations and not necessarily those of NO2ID.
Following the government’s back down on trying to foist ID cards on airport workers all eyes are now focusing on the north west, where Manchester has been targeted as the ‘beacon area’ for the roll out of the first ID cards. Anyone that volunteers to enrol in the ID card scheme should be fully aware of what they are letting themselves in for, that is paying for the privilege of being readily tracked and traced for the rest of your life, being in the highly vulnerable position of laying bare a great deal of highly personal information which could be leaked, lost and abused while being a Whitehall guinea pig. NO2ID is avidly campaigning in Manchester making people aware of the dangers of enrolling in the scheme. With reports that the take up is likely to be low, we must ensure that it turns into a veritable damp squib for the government and that the people won’t be druv!
NO2ID have produced a 24 page booklet outlining the compelling arguments against ID cards for those who either buy into the government propaganda on the subject or those who will do just whatever the government tells them. Details of how to get one of these free booklets is available from office@no2id.net
Following a large increase in the number of errors in Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks the Register website has received, under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) information which reveals that employers could soon be asking potential employees to give fingerprint data in order to get a job. The aim is to improve the quality of data and the FOIA disclosure says "To improve the identification process carried out by employers the CRB will research how biometric identification can be incorporated into the Disclosure process and will also work with the police service to improve the quality of data held and its availability". The CRB is also considering the use of ID card data. The Home Office has previously said ID cards will help speed up the CRB process, which has been regularly criticised by employers as too slow. In 2007 the UK Identity and Passport Service (UKIPS) and the CRB trialled a ‘joint venture’ where CRB processes were linked to ID cards.
David Davis recently raised a very appropriate question in the House "The Home Office is currently prototyping a Europe-wide project called Project Stork. How are we going to prevent a repetition of the disaster of the last few weeks [the disappearance of 25 million child benefit records] when sensitive personal data is held not by one government but by 27?" Apparently when asked, former Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, couldn’t answer the question - she didn’t know what Project Stork was!
Entitled the Independent Safeguarding Authority, this new body could soon be keeping tabs on 11 million workers who, in any way spend time in their professional or voluntary capacities with children and vulnerable adults. This would include nurses, doctors, car park attendants in hospitals, junior tennis coaches, school dinner ladies etc etc. In the light of the Soham murders where a suspected sex offender managed to get employment in a school despite the usual Criminal Records Bureau check, this may seem reasonable - although just how the CRB was so negligent begs the question, are oversights like these being used as a pretext to usher in Big Brother databases which treat us all as potential criminals? Phil Booth of NO2ID said in response to the claim that such a new database may seem warranted “That’s where you’re wrong. The only way the ISA can possibly keep tabs on 11 million people is to have the workers and volunteers fingerprinted and made to obtain a national ID card. This is entirely consistent with the various forms of coercion strategy they [the Home Office] have been working on to create so-called volunteers for ID cards.” Privacy advocates have also reacted angrily to reports that the government plans to link national identity records to criminal records for background checks on people who work with children and vulnerable people.
This will be my last newworlddoublethink blog. It is time to move on and over the past three years or so, I feel I have outlined, sufficiently, the plight we find ourselves in vis à vis the so-called New World Order, it’s controlling élite, its puppets and a gullible public, that hitherto have too readily acquiesced to their agenda. If the government and its controlling masters are corrupt, then we only have ourselves to blame for being a complete walkover!
That now has to change and already a sense of awareness is beginning to grip people worldwide as they wake up to the fact that this monster is getting totally out of hand. One has only to look at the number of new books being published which uncover the most heinous of crimes our ‘elected’ masters have been committing for centuries, the vast amount of inside information and truth about who we are historically and how, for millennia, we have been subjugated to a controlling élite. Just this week actor Charlie Sheen is laying bare the 9/11 scam and demanding answers from the US administration. This is all positive.
I attended a seminar in Shrewsbury last weekend in which I met dozens of like-minded people who have already made that awakening transistion, making the firm declaration that we must reclaim our God-given sovereignty as individuals and thwart the global élite and their insidious control matrix.
Great changes are coming to our planet in the next couple of years in an astrological and astrophysical way and in a new blog I intend to start later this year, I will cover this new paradigm and describe how we must all revolutionise our own individual psyche to be ready to meet these changes. And this must be a concerted effort by all of us, for collectively and with a positive frame of mind lodged in higher spirituality having thrown off the vast burden of oppression and mind control that has blighted us all for so long, and we can change ourselves and the planet for the better.